
잼 위저드스 택틱스, Gem Wizards Tactics 소개(Introduce),리뷰(Review),할인(Sale) 관련

AlrepondGame 2021. 8. 12. 02:51











- https://store.steampowered.com/app/1360270/



- Windows


할인율, 할인했던 금액(Sale Record): 

- 본편 20% (12,400원 최저가)


한글패치, 기타패치 등등(패치유무, Patch):

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1280 //한글패치검색


* 무료 게임, Free Games, 무료 플레이 게임 관련

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1978 //정보링크


* 게임 플레이 필요정보 모음 관련(기기,번역,시리즈,eSports,성능저하,오류) [Essentials]

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1175 //정보모음


//할인율은 제작사 사정에 따라 다릅니다. 스팀세일(여름,겨울,기타)또는 제작사에서 상시로 할인할 때를 노리세요!!






비즈니스 악마는 아래에서 일어나서 모든 것을 파쇄하고, 드릴하고, 약탈하고, 불태우기 위해 여기 있습니다! OMNIGEM의 어두운 비밀을 발견한 비즈니스 악마 인턴인 젊은 Derby Pocket의 이야기를 따라가 보세요!

귀여운 그림에 속지 마세요. 이것은 앞으로 몇 년 동안 사악한 도전을 제공할 깊고 복잡한 전술 게임입니다!
Gem Wizards Tactics는 무작위로 생성된 맵과 복잡한 비대칭 세력이 있는 턴제 전략 게임입니다! 끝없는 싱글 플레이를 중심으로 설계된 Gem Wizard Tactics에는 파벌 내에서 결합할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 다른 파벌에서 유닛을 선택하여 군대에 결합하여 전혀 전례가 없는 새로운 전략을 만들 수 있는 고유한 능력을 가진 3개의 파벌이 있습니다!

새로운 종류의 싱글 플레이어 워게임
많은 면에서 Gem Wizards Tactics는 Advance Wars, Fire Emblem 또는 X-Com의 팬에게 친숙하게 느껴질 것입니다. 그러나 이러한 게임과 달리 맵은 무작위로 생성되며 적 유닛도 무작위로 생성됩니다. 이것은 도전 과제가 훨씬 덜 퍼즐 같고 훨씬 더 새롭고 놀랍다는 것을 의미합니다. 따라서 전략도 마찬가지여야 합니다. 이 독창적인 턴제 전술 전쟁 게임에서는 너무 많은 손실을 입기 전에 깃발을 탈취해야 하는 일련의 전투를 통해 군대를 이끌게 됩니다!

Into Breach 및 868-HACK의 맥락에서 긴밀하고 퍼즐 같은 전술을 취하고 큰 Fire Emblem 스타일의 전체 패키지를 추가하고 모든 것을 멋진 캔디 플레이크 미학으로 포장하면 새로운 @keithburgun 게임이 있습니다. 그리고 훌륭합니다. - Frank Lantz, NYU 게임 센터 소장

Gem Wizards Tactics는 Into Breach와 매우 흡사한 기발하고 접근하기 쉬운 턴제 전술 게임입니다. 3개의 비대칭 진영, 절차에 따라 생성되는 맵과 적, 뛰어난 시너지 효과. 정말 재미있어요.” - 디자이너는 Steam에서 플레이합니다.
대부분의 경우 모든 단위는 특별하여 전략 수립에 있어 탁월한 깊이를 제공합니다. - 턴제 연인

재미있고 놀라운 부작용이 있는 야생의 힘! 미끄럽고 불이 붙는 기름 드릴! 새로운 강이 생성될 때까지 주변에 물을 뿌립니다! 얼음 마법으로 강을 얼리십시오! 얼어붙은 빙원 위로 사람들을 밀어넣고, 뚫은 구멍으로 통제할 수 없이 미끄러져 들어가세요! 그것은 전술의 야생 Rube Goldberg 기계와 같습니다!
무작위로 생성된 지도! 맵 지오메트리, 상대하는 적 분대, 유닛 구조 보상은 플레이할 때마다 다릅니다!
비대칭이 많은 4개의 독특한 파벌: Azure Order의 고전적인 왕실 하이 판타지 나이트; 자원을 착취하고 지형을 불태우는 비즈니스 악마 또는 자연과 날씨를 조종하는 감자는 각각 고유한 플레이 스타일과 능력을 가지고 있습니다. 더군다나, 파벌 사이에 교차 수분이 있기 때문에 갓 부서진 유막을 미끄러지는 Azure Knights를 위한 멋진 콤보를 찾을 수 있을 것입니다! 아니면, 고에너지, 하드록 스켈레톤의 소란스러운 그룹인 네버엔딩 파티를 선택하세요!
각각 고유한 강점, 약점 및 고유한 특수 능력을 가진 26가지 고유한 유닛 유형! (무료 DLC에 계속 추가됩니다!)
5가지 게임 모드: 튜토리얼, 스토리 모드, 캠페인 모드, 랭크 모드 및 사용자 지정 게임.
모든 기능을 갖춘 MAP EDITOR!
컨트롤러 지원!
다채로운 픽셀 아트와 독창적인 멜로디 사운드트랙.
새로운 패치, 밸런스 변경 등 다양한 형태의 개발자 지원: 더 많은 파벌, 더 많은 게임 모드, 더 많은 플랫폼 지원 - 이름만 들어도 알 수 있습니다! 제 또 다른 게임인 Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure에 대해 알고 계실 것입니다. 원래 2014년에 Android에서 출시되었으며 2021년 1월에 또 다른 패치를 내놓았습니다. 요점은: 저는 제 게임에 열심히 전념하고 있으며 이 게임은 미래에 엄청난 지원을 받을 것입니다!

저도 제 플레이어들이 게임에서 무엇을 보고 싶어하는지 깊이 생각하고 있으니, 생각이나 아이디어가 있으시면 Gem Wizards Tactics의 미래에서 보고 싶은 것에 대해 디스코드에 대해 저와 채팅해주세요!

Gem Wizards Universe에는 파티를 즐기는 언데드 스켈레톤, 박제 동물 토끼, 거대한 벌레 등이 있습니다. 따라서 무료 향후 업데이트에서 새로운 파벌이 소개될 것을 기대하십시오! Windows용 Steam으로 출시됩니다. 나중에 더 많은 플랫폼에도 제공될 예정입니다.



Gem Wizards Tactics가 Unfold Games Awards에서 "Best Game Design"을 수상했습니다!
100 Rogues와 Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure의 디자이너가 제공합니다.


The Business Demons have risen from beneath, and they're here to frack, drill, pillage and burn everything in sight! Follow the tale of young Derby Pocket, a Business Demon Intern, who discovers the dark secrets of the OMNIGEM!

Don't let the cute art fool you: this is a deep, complex tactics game that'll provide a wicked challenge for years to come!

Gem Wizards Tactics is a turn-based strategy game with randomly generated maps and complex asymmetrical factions! Designed around endless single player play, Gem Wizards Tactics has three factions each with their own unique abilities which not only combine within factions, but you can also pick up units from other factions and combine them into your army to create totally unheard of new strategies!

A new kind of single-player wargame

In many ways, Gem Wizards Tactics will feel familiar to fans of Advance WarsFire Emblem or X-Com. But unlike these games, the maps are randomly generated, and enemy units are spawning randomly as well. This means that the challenges are much less puzzle like, and a lot more emergent and surprising—so your strategies will have to be as well. In this original turn based tactical war game, you take your army through a series of battles in which you’ve gotta capture the flags before taking too many losses!

Take tight, puzzle-like tactics in the vein of Into the Breach and 868-HACK, add a big Fire Emblem-style overall package, and wrap the whole thing up in a nintendolicious candyflake aesthetic, and you have the new @keithburgun game, and it's great. - Frank Lantz, Director of the NYU Game Center

Gem Wizards Tactics is a whimsical and approachable turn-based tactical game, much like Into the Breach; 3 asymmetric factions, procedurally-generated maps and enemies, excellent synergies. Super fun.” - Designer Plays on Steam

For the most part, every unit is extraordinary, which provides an excellent amount of depth when it comes to strategizing. - Turn Based Lovers


  • Wild powers with fun and surprising side-effects! Drill for oil, which is slippery and lights on fire! Spray water around until you create new rivers! Freeze those rivers over with ice magic! Push people over the frozen ice floe, sliding uncontrollably into that hole you drilled! It's like a wild Rube Goldberg Machine of tactics!
  • Randomly generated maps! The map geometry, enemy squads you're facing off, and Unit Rescue rewards are different every time you play!
  • Four distinct factions with LOTS of asymmetry: the classic royal high fantasy knights of the Azure Order; the resource-exploiting, terrain-burning Business Demons, or the nature and weather-controlling Potatoes: each have their own unique playstyles and abilities. Better yet, there's cross-pollination between the factions, so maybe you can find some neat combo for your Azure Knights sliding over a bunch of freshly fracked oil slicks! Or, choose the Neverending Party, a raucous group of high-energy, hard-rockin' Skeletons!
  • Twenty-six unique unit types, each with their own strengths, weaknesses, and unique special abilities! (More being added all the time in free DLC!)
  • FIVE game modes: Tutorial, Story Mode, Campaign Mode, Ranked Mode and Custom Games.
  • A fully functional MAP EDITOR!
  • Controller support!
  • Colorful pixel art and an original melodic soundtrack.
  • Lots of developer support in the form of new patches, balance changes and MORE: More factions, more game modes, more platform support - you name it! You may know about another game of mine: Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure. It originally launched on Android back in 2014, and we just put out another patch in Jan of 2021. The point is: I commit to my games pretty hard, and this game will get tons of awesome support in the future!

I also care deeply about what my players want to see in the game, so if you have any thoughts or ideas, please come chat with me on the discord about what you'd like to see in the future of Gem Wizards Tactics!
The Gem Wizards Universe also has partying undead skeletons, stuffed animal bunnies, huge bug people, and a bunch more, so look forward to new factions being introduced in free future updates! Coming to Steam for Windows. Later on, will be coming to more platforms as well.

Gem Wizards Tactics has won "Best Game Design" from the Unfold Games Awards!

From the designer of 100 Rogues, and Auro: A Monster-Bumping Adventure.





사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

가자 가자! 우리가 포위되기 전에!
Gem Wizards Tactics에는 스토리 모드가 없을 수 있지만, 그렇다고 해서 장면을 설정하기 위한 약간의 배경 스토리가 있을 수 없다는 의미는 아닙니다. 이것은 7개의 마법 보석이 주변 세계를 형성한 오미아에서 발생합니다. 각 보석과 함께 파벌이 해당 보석과 일치합니다. 그러나 어떤 전설은 여덟 번째 보석의 가능성에 대해 말했습니다. 파벌 중 하나가 실제로 그것을 발견하고 스스로 가져 갔기 때문에 결국 사실이었습니다. 그것을 사용하여 다른 파벌을 물리치고 그들의 땅을 차지하십시오. 그들의 공포 통치를 막으려면 단 하나의 진영만 있으면 되며, 당신이 그들을 막을 수 있기를 바랍니다.



사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

좋아, 나는 리뷰를 쓰는 방법을 몰라서 내가 왜 그것이 훌륭하다고 생각하는지 보여 주는 게임에 대한 경험을 말할 것입니다.
나의 작은 감자 병사 팀은 Azure Order의 압도적인 병력에 의해 전멸하려 하고 있었습니다. 나는 전투에서 승리하는 데 필요한 4개의 깃발 중 3개를 이미 점령했지만, 떼를 지어 맵의 북서쪽 모서리로 밀려났습니다. 그리고 내 리더인 안드로메다 로빈은 이미 죽었습니다. 마지막 깃발을 얻을 수 있는 유일한 기회는 적의 분대장을 죽이는 것이었습니다. 불행하게도 분대장은 수많은 창병, 기사, 궁수, 투석기 뒤에 있었습니다.











기능체험하기, 환불[Refund]:

스팀에서 2시간 안되서 실행하고 환불하면 환불이 됩니다, 기능이 궁금하시면 구매하시고

2시안에 실행해보시고 아니다 싶으면 바로 환불 하시면 됩니다.(2시간 넘으시면 아니됩니다..)

환불: https://godpsj.tistory.com/24






#PV, 트레일러(Trailer), 소개[Video Link]

- https://youtu.be/I3GWUN6-fYg


- https://youtu.be/u4kH9mAK2jY


- https://youtu.be/Tg1w8RhKCgg


- https://youtu.be/0pexWoF8_IY



소개,리뷰,정보링크(Introduce, Review, Info Link): 

- https://steamcommunity.com/id/RipWitch/recommended/1360270/ //스팀리뷰


- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198027811197/recommended/1360270/ //스팀리뷰


- https://youtu.be/u4kH9mAK2jY //영상Review


- https://youtu.be/REFGkC9IEb8 //영상Play







할인정보관련[Platform Sale Info]:

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/527 //각각 플랫폼 할인 관련







