
얼티밋 애드머럴: 드레드노트, Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts 소개(Introduce),리뷰(Review),할인(Sale) 관련

AlrepondGame 2022. 8. 14. 17:50











- https://store.steampowered.com/app/1069660/



- Windows


할인율, 할인했던 금액(Sale Record): 

- 본편 25% (27,000원 최저가)


한글패치, 기타패치 등등(패치유무, Patch):

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1280 //한글패치검색


* 무료 게임, Free Games, 무료 플레이 게임 관련

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1978 //정보링크


* 게임 플레이 필요정보 모음 관련(기기,번역,시리즈,eSports,성능저하,오류) [Essentials]

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1175 //정보모음


//할인율은 제작사 사정에 따라 다릅니다. 세일기간(여름,겨울,기타)또는 제작사에서 상시로 할인할 때를 노리세요!!






Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts는 이러한 종류의 최초의 게임인 진정한 해전 게임이 되는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이 게임은 매우 심도 있고 사실적인 전투 모델과 결합된 현실감 넘치는 군함의 무수한 변형을 설계 및 제작할 수 있는 독특한 기회를 제공합니다. 우리는 우리가 만들고 있는 것에 대해 절대적으로 흥분하고 있으며 드레드노트 시대와 해군 전쟁에 관심이 있는 모든 사람들이 우리의 야심찬 프로젝트에 참여하고 우리를 지원하기를 바랍니다.
원하는 방식으로 전함을 구축하세요
소형 어뢰정에서 강력한 전함에 이르기까지 강력한 전함의 설계자가 되십시오! HMS Dreadnought와 같은 유명한 함선과 수많은 투기적인 디자인을 재현하십시오. 포탑 배치, 방어구 구성, 깔때기 배치, 타워 변형을 선택하여 각 함선의 모양과 느낌을 독특하게 만드십시오. 그들의 선체 특성, 내부 업그레이드 선택 및 중량 분포는 속도와 기동성뿐만 아니라 무기 효율성을 수정합니다. 군함의 모든 설계 세부 사항은 함선의 전투 능력에 중대한 영향을 미칩니다.

강력한 AI
상대가 인간과 같은 예상치 못한 행동으로 당신의 행동에 반응할 수 있을 때 해상 전투는 몰입도가 높아지고 훨씬 더 현실감 있게 느껴집니다. AI는 "면역 구역" 원칙을 사용하고 자체 화력과 함선을 비교하여 최적의 교전 거리를 평가합니다. AI는 탄약을 현명하게 사용하여 필요 시 사격을 가하거나 표적의 방어력에 따라 포탄 유형을 전환합니다. 특별한 임무 지시가 없는 한 AI는 자신의 함대가 심하게 손상되거나 당신보다 훨씬 약한 경우 자살 행동을 하지 않고 철수를 시도합니다.

해군 사관학교 및 맞춤형 전투
사용자 지정 전투 시스템을 사용하면 1890년에서 1940년 사이의 기술 시대에 10개의 다른 국가에 대한 함선 설계의 끝없는 조합을 활용하여 해전을 실험하고 즐길 수 있습니다. 또한 현재 56개의 전투 시나리오가 포함된 "해군 사관학교"가 있습니다. 여기서 특정 전투 전술 작업을 수행하기 위해 함선이나 함대를 설계해야 합니다. 이 수많은 임무를 통해 게임의 많은 혁신적인 디자인과 전투 측면을 연습하고 즐길 수 있습니다.

캠페인(앞서 해보기 동안 지속적으로 업데이트됨)
함대를 완벽하게 설계하고 장대한 해전에 몰두하고 지도에서 중요한 전략적 결정을 내릴 수 있습니다. 단 하나의 목표로 적의 함대를 전멸시키고 그의 경제를 교살하여 적을 물리칠 수 있습니다. 캠페인은 모든 패치에 새로운 콘텐츠가 추가되어 앞서 해보기 동안 개선될 것입니다.

*현재 플레이 가능한 국가
    대영 제국
    프랑스 제국
    독일 제국
    이탈리아 제국
    오스트리아-헝가리 제국

*다가오는 국가들
    러시아 제국
    일본 제국
    스페인 제국
    중국 제국

*캠페인의 현재 기능
    북해, 영국 해협, 발트해 및 지중해를 포함한 유럽 지도
    캠페인을 시작하기 위한 초기 연도는 1890년에서 1940년 사이입니다(전체 릴리스까지 잠금 해제됨).
    평시가 아닌 두 동맹과의 전쟁에서 게임이 시작됩니다.
    기술적인 측면은 약 80% 준비되었습니다.
    스탠다드 이코노미 옵션은 더욱 강화될 예정입니다.
    새로운 기술로 오래된 군함을 개조하십시오.
    태스크 포스와 함께 항구와 바다의 모든 곳 사이에서 완전한 선박 이동.
    태스크 포스 회의 또는 미션 생성기 시스템을 통해 실시간으로 플레이할 수 있는 전투가 생성됩니다.
    캠페인은 상대의 바다를 통제하고 경제를 고군분투하여 상대를 완전히 물리칠 때 승리합니다.

*향후 캠페인 기능
    중요한 지역과 식민지를 포함한 전체 세계 지도.
    외교 옵션.
    게임 플레이를 풍부하게 할 다양한 정치 및 경제 이벤트.
    캠페인은 1890년부터 1940년까지 지속됩니다.
    선박 설계 옵션, 승무원 및 장교를 위한 기술 트리 개선.
    잠수함과 기뢰 부설을 포함한 추가 전쟁 옵션.
    새로운 맵 역학은 함대에 더 많은 전략적 옵션을 허용합니다.
    귀하의 피드백을 기반으로 한 기타 기능.

"얼리 액세스" 배송 옵션
- 1386개 이상의 다양한 선박 부품과 다양한 크기와 기술 수준의 수천 가지 무기를 사용하는 327개 이상의 선체 변형.
- 많은 함선 모델 중에서 33개의 추가 세부 사항이 있어 다음과 같은 역사적 함선을 충실하게 재현할 수 있습니다.




Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts aims to be the first game of its kind - a true naval warfare game - which offers a unique opportunity to design and build countless variations of realistic looking warships combined with an extremely in-depth and realistic combat model. We are absolutely excited with what we are making and we hope everyone who is interested about the dreadnought era and naval warfare, will join our ambitious project and support us.


Become the architect of powerful warships, from small torpedo boats to mighty Battleships! Recreate famous ships such as the HMS Dreadnought and countless speculative designs. Pick turret layout, armor scheme, funnel placement, tower variations making each ship look and feel unique. Their hull characteristics, internal upgrade selection and weight distribution not only modifies their speed and maneuverability but also their weapon effectiveness. Every design detail of your warships has a significant effect on the combat capability of your ships.

Naval combat becomes immersive and feels even more realistic when your opponent is able to react to your actions with a human-like and unexpected behavior. The AI evaluates the optimal engagement distance, using principles of the “Immunity Zone” and comparing its own firepower versus your ships. The AI uses ammunition wisely, holding fire when necessary or switching shell types according to the armor protection of the target. Unless there is a special mission directive, the AI will not act suicidally and will attempt to withdraw, if its fleet becomes heavily damaged or it is much weaker than yours.

The Custom Battle system allows you to experiment and enjoy naval battles utilizing endless combinations of ship designs in technology eras between the years 1890 and 1940 for ten different nations. Additionally, there is the “Naval Academy” which currently includes 56 battle scenarios, where you will have to design a ship or a squadron to fulfill a certain combat tactical task. These numerous missions will allow you to practice and enjoy the many innovative design and combat aspects of the game.

THE CAMPAIGN (Continuously updated during Early Access)
You can fully design your fleet, immerse yourself in epic naval battles and make crucial strategic decisions on the map with a single goal to defeat your opponent by annihilating his fleets and strangling his economy. The campaign will be improved during Early access with new content added in every patch.

Current Playable Nations

  • British Empire
  • French Empire
  • German Empire
  • Italian Empire
  • Austro-Hungarian Empire

Forthcoming Nations

  • United States
  • Russian Empire
  • Empire of Japan
  • Spanish Empire
  • Chinese Empire

Current Functionality of Campaign

  • The Europe map, including North Sea, English Channel, Baltic Sea and Mediterranean
  • Initial years for starting a campaign are from 1890 to 1940 (unlocked until the full release).
  • No peacetime, the game starts at war against two alliances.
  • Technology aspects about 80% ready.
  • Standard Economy options to be enhanced further.
  • Refit of old warships with newer technologies.
  • Full ship movement between ports and everywhere at Sea with Task Forces.
  • Via the Task Force meetings or via a Mission Generator system, battles are created, which you can play in real-time.
  • Campaign is won when you fully defeat your opponents by controlling their seas and struggling their economy.

Future Campaign Features

  • Full Global Map including important regions and colonies.
  • Diplomacy options.
  • Various political and economic events that will enrich the gameplay.
  • Campaigns will last from 1890 up to 1940+.
  • Technology tree improvements for ship design options, crew & officers.
  • Additional warfare options including submarines and minelaying.
  • New map mechanics will allow many more strategic options for your fleets.
  • Other features based on your feedback.

“Early Access” Ship Options
- Over 327 Hull Variants that use over 1386 different ship parts and thousands of different weapons in various sizes and tech levels.
- Among the many ship models there are 33 extra detailed, which can faithfully recreate the following historical ships:

  • USS Monitor
  • CSS Virginia
  • Brandenburg-class battleship (1890)
  • HMS Renown battleship (1893)
  • Kaiser Friedrich III-class battleship (1895)
  • Massena-class battleship (1895)
  • Bouvet-class battleship (1896)
  • Gazelle-class cruiser (1897)
  • Cressy-class cruiser (1898)
  • Formidable-class battleship (1898)
  • Tsesarevich-class battleship (1899)
  • Borodino-class battleship (1899)
  • Warrior-class cruiser (1903)
  • Lord Nelson-class battleship (1905)
  • HMS Dreadnought (1905)
  • Invincible-class battlecruiser (1906)
  • SMS Von der Tann (1907)
  • South Carolina-class battleship (1908)
  • Emden-class cruiser (1908)
  • Fuso-class battleship (1915-1944)
  • HMS Hood battlecruiser (1920)
  • Trento-class cruiser (1925-1929)
  • Deutschland-class cruiser (1929)
  • Mogami-class cruiser (1931)
  • Zara-class cruiser (“Pola” 1932)
  • Richelieu-class battleship (1935)
  • Yamato-class battleship (1937)
  • Sovetsky Soyuz-class battleship (1938+ plan)
  • King George-class battleship (1939)
  • Akizuki-class destroyer (1940)
  • Bismarck-class battleship (1940)
  • Littorio-class battleship (1940)
  • Iowa-class battleship (1940)

Upcoming Ship Models

  • French battleship Danton
  • More hull variants TBA.




사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

20인치 4연장포 2기를 앞뒤에 나란히 장착한 전함을 원하십니까? 가능합니다!
15인치 4연장포를 5기나 탑재하는 전함? 불가능한건 없습니다!
그것도 마음에 안 들어서 18인치 4연장포를 7기나 박아버리고 싶습니까? 안 될건 없단 말입니다!

광기를 원하십니까? 항공모함이 대세가 된 시대에서도 거함거포주의의 매력에 아직 빠져나오지 못하셨습니까?
혹은 본인이 원하는 전함을 만들고 싶은데 그동안 출시된 게임들이 하나도 마음에 들지 않습니까?
이 게임은 당신의 그런 모든 것을 해결해줍니다!
당신이 생각 할 수 있는 광기를 무한히 창조해낼 수 있는 이 게임! 추천합니다!



사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

배박이들의 꿈을 실천해주는 게임. 다만 아쉬운 점이라면 이 게임 자체가 건함경쟁이 시작된 시대가 배경이기 때문에 항공기에 대한 고려가 전혀 없어서 1940년대 함선을 만들어도 방공 AA건들은 양용포 계열을 제외하곤 전부 없습니다.

이후 항공기에 대해서도 좀 고려해, 기관총이나 기관포들도 증설 가능했으면 좋겠고 싱글의 그것처럼 배수량 혹은 예산을 제한하고서 멀티 기능도 구현해주면 좋겠네요. 앞으로의 발전을 기대해봅니다










기능체험하기, 환불[Refund]:

스팀에서 2시간 안되서 실행하고 환불하면 환불이 됩니다, 기능이 궁금하시면 구매하시고

2시안에 실행해보시고 아니다 싶으면 바로 환불 하시면 됩니다.(2시간 넘으시면 아니됩니다..)

환불: https://godpsj.tistory.com/24






#PV, 트레일러(Trailer), 소개[Video Link]

- https://youtu.be/ws7uRKuWCyo


- https://youtu.be/6I6WCQK008A


- https://youtu.be/OV8eimyXSNU


- https://youtu.be/pooiVdKExkY



소개,리뷰,정보링크(Introduce, Review, Info Link): 

- https://namu.wiki/w/Ultimate%20Admiral:%20Dreadnoughts //나무위키


- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198146068770/recommended/1069660/ //스팀리뷰


- https://steamcommunity.com/id/kesik123/recommended/1069660/ //스팀리뷰


- https://youtu.be/ws7uRKuWCyo //PV


- https://youtu.be/6I6WCQK008A //영상Review


- https://youtu.be/OV8eimyXSNU //영상Play


- https://youtu.be/pooiVdKExkY //영상Play


- https://youtu.be/Wc8piR7ihWs //영상Play






할인정보관련[Platform Sale Info]:

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/527 //각각 플랫폼 할인 관련






