
에이지 오브 원더스, Age of Wonders 소개(Introduce),리뷰(Review),할인(Sale) 관련

AlrepondGame 2021. 9. 18. 15:51









- https://store.steampowered.com/app/61500/



- Windows


할인율, 할인했던 금액(Sale Record): 

- 본편 80% (1,300원 최저가)


한글패치, 기타패치 등등(패치유무, Patch):

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1280 //한글패치검색


* 무료 게임, Free Games, 무료 플레이 게임 관련

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1978 //정보링크


* 게임 플레이 필요정보 모음 관련(기기,번역,시리즈,eSports,성능저하,오류) [Essentials]

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1175 //정보모음


//할인율은 제작사 사정에 따라 다릅니다. 스팀세일(여름,겨울,기타)또는 제작사에서 상시로 할인할 때를 노리세요!!





히트 시리즈를 시작한 정통 턴 기반 판타지 전략 클래식인 Age of Wonders에 오신 것을 환영합니다. 그림 같은 그래픽과 함께 에이지 오브 원더스의 친밀한 분위기는 오늘날에도 여전히 빛을 발합니다. 게임이 완전히 패치되었습니다. 지금 바로 판타지 제국을 건설하세요!
마법과 평화의 시대, 불가사의의 시대. 한 시대가 초대받지 않은 단일 종족인 인간의 출현으로 혼돈의 폭풍우로 휩쓸려갔습니다. 엘프, 드워프, 오크 등 고대 종족들 사이에 존재했던 깨지기 쉬운 균형은 인간이 이 땅에 가져온 혼란을 계기로 권력과 생존을 위한 투쟁으로 바뀌었습니다. 경이로운 고대 유물, 놀라운 마법의 힘, 부서진 제국의 비밀을 발견할 전략 모험을 준비하세요. 불가사의의 시대 세계의 운명을 결정하기 위해 빛이나 어둠의 세력과 동맹을 맺으십시오!
주요 특징들:

    Age of Wonders는 전략, 모험 및 롤 플레잉의 최고의 요소를 결합한 턴제 게임입니다.
    12가지 독특한 판타지 종족, 업그레이드 가능한 능력을 갖춘 50명 이상의 다양한 영웅, 수십 가지 주문, 탐험할 수 있는 장소.
    전략적 및 전술적 기술을 사용하여 군대를 지휘하여 중요한 위치를 점령하고 적을 물리치십시오.
    광활한 광활한 땅에서 전투를 벌이고, 도시 포위 공격에서 외벽을 부수고, 치명적인 던전을 탐험하세요.
    호환되는 종족과 전략적 동맹을 맺어 각 종족의 고유한 기술과 능력을 활용하십시오.
    밝은 쪽과 어두운 쪽 모두에서 플레이할 수 있는 매혹적인 싱글 플레이어 캠페인을 경험하십시오.

LAN 또는 인터넷을 통해 핫시트 플레이, 이메일 대전을 통해 친구와 멀티플레이어 게임을 하십시오. 후자의 두 가지 모드는 빠른 게임 속도를 위해 동시 회전의 추가 게임 플레이 모드를 제공합니다.




Welcome to Age of Wonders, the authentic turn based fantasy strategy classic that started the hit series. Age of Wonders’ intimate atmosphere with painterly graphics still shines today. The game’s fully patched up, start building your fantasy empire today!
The Age of Wonders, once a time of magic and peace. An age swept into the ravaging gale of chaos by the arrival of a single, uninvited race: the Humans. The fragile balance that existed between the ancient races, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs and others, has changed into a struggle for power and survival in the wake of the turmoil the Humans have brought to the land. Prepare for a strategy adventure where you will uncover wondrous ancient artifacts, awesome magical power, and the secrets of a shattered empire. Ally with the forces of light or darkness to determine the fate of the world in the Age of Wonders!
Key features:

  • Age of Wonders is a turn-based game combining the best elements of strategy, adventure and role-playing.
  • 12 unique fantasy races, over 50 different heroes with upgradable abilities, dozens of spells and scores of locations to explore.
  • Employ strategic and tactical skills to command troops in capturing vital locations and defeating enemies.
  • Battle your way through vast open lands, breach the outer wall in city sieges and explore deadly dungeons.
  • Forge strategic alliances with compatible races to leverage each race's unique skills and abilities.
  • Experience captivating single player campaign playable from the light and dark side.

Play multi-player games against your friends through hotseat play, play-by-email, over LAN or the Internet. The latter two modes feature an additional game play mode of simultaneous turns for a fast game pace.




사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

+뛰어난 스토리
+뛰어난 배경음
+수많은 커스텀 맵들
+LAN 멀티 가능 (하마치)
+게임내 잘 녹아든 설정들


-열악한 효과음
-가차없는 난이도









기능체험하기, 환불[Refund]:

스팀에서 2시간 안되서 실행하고 환불하면 환불이 됩니다, 기능이 궁금하시면 구매하시고

2시안에 실행해보시고 아니다 싶으면 바로 환불 하시면 됩니다.(2시간 넘으시면 아니됩니다..)

환불: https://godpsj.tistory.com/24







#PV, 트레일러(Trailer), 소개[Video Link]

- https://youtu.be/P--zaTS2iuA


- https://youtu.be/FzSIqPpKaDs


- https://youtu.be/PIhzPuaF7ww



소개,리뷰,정보링크(Introduce, Review, Info Link): 

- https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/lists?id=ageofwonders //에이지 오브 원더스 갤


- https://bbs.ruliweb.com/game/85153 //루리웹 에이지 오브 원더스 게시판


- https://steamcommunity.com/id/moodbug/recommended/61500/ //스팀리뷰


- https://youtu.be/FzSIqPpKaDs //영상Play


- https://youtu.be/PIhzPuaF7ww //영상Play


- https://youtu.be/JlG5xEvo-_4 //영상Play


- https://youtu.be/HVLaRUfz-XM //영상Play


- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O_WS-XdsUAY&list=PLYVqUDxY6COjlwEIo0Yt1L6IzWYG5n9mb&index=4 //영상Play







할인정보관련[Platform Sale Info]:

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/527 //각각 플랫폼 할인 관련







