
트라인 3, Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power 소개(Introduce),리뷰(Review),할인(Sale) 관련

AlrepondGame 2021. 7. 10. 21:30














- https://store.steampowered.com/app/319910/


시리즈 정보(Series Info):
- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1464



- Windows, Mac, SteamOS+Linux


할인율, 할인했던 금액(Sale Record): 

- 본편 75% (5,750원 최저가)

- Ultimate Collection 80% (18,200원 최저가) [1,2,3,4 포함]


한글패치, 기타패치 등등(패치유무, Patch):

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/678 //패치정보


* 무료 게임, Free Games, 무료 플레이 게임 관련

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1978 //정보링크


* 게임 플레이 필요정보 모음 관련(기기,번역,시리즈,eSports,성능저하,오류,) [Essentials]*

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1175 //정보모음

- https://202psj.tistory.com/2038 //프레임하락, 성능하락 관련



//할인율은 제작사 사정에 따라 다릅니다. 스팀세일(여름,겨울,기타)또는 제작사에서 상시로 할인할 때를 노리세요!!







숨이 멎을 듯한 풍경의 동화 같은 세계를 경험하고 수많은 물리학 기반 퍼즐, 멋진 장치, 위험한 적, 매혹적인 생물과 맞서십시오.

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power는 수상 경력에 빛나는 Trine과 Trine 2의 속편이자 액션, 퍼즐, 어드벤처가 포함된 플랫폼 게임입니다. 친숙한 영웅인 폰티우스 나이트, 마법사 아마데우스, 도둑 조야와 다시 만나십시오. - 새로운 모험, 이제 처음으로 풀 3D로!

로컬 또는 온라인에서 싱글 플레이어 또는 최대 3명의 플레이어와 협동하여 플레이할 수 있습니다.

마법사 아마데우스, 기사 폰티우스, 도둑 조야는 강력한 마법의 유물에 자신의 삶을 지배하는 것이 영구적으로 바람직한 존재가 아니라는 결론에 서서히 도달했습니다.

영웅들은 자신의 특별한 선물을 트린이라는 유물에 되돌려 주려 하고, 그래서 그들은 이해할 수 없는 힘에 간섭합니다. 트린은 산산이 부서지고 무자비한 고대 마법사는 탈출합니다. 부서진 유물만이 그들을 인도할 수 있기 때문에 영웅들은 그들이 가한 피해나 아직 가해지지 않았을 피해를 복구하려고 노력해야 합니다.

결혼한 마법사이자 세 쌍둥이의 아버지인 Amadeus는 신비한 상자를 소환하고 주문으로 장애물을 이동할 수 있습니다. 아마도 그는 마법사 중 가장 능숙하거나 두려운 것은 아니지만 영웅들은 마법과 전설에 관한 모든 것을 아마데우스에게 의존합니다. Amadeus는 항상 실제보다 이론상의 모험을 더 좋아했으며, 종종 가족과의 낮잠과 휴가를 박탈하는 실제 행동보다 그의 행동에 대한 명성과 이야기를 선호했습니다.

큰 마음을 가진 용감한 왕국의 수호자인 폰티우스는 위치에 관계없이 도움이 필요한 모든 사람에게 챔피언입니다. 폰티우스는 왕에게 직접 기사 작위를 받았고, 이를 증명하기 위해 붉은 망토를 착용했습니다! 믿음직스러운 방패와 검을 들고 항상 먼저 정면승부를 하는 최전선의 영웅입니다. 선과 정의의 편에서 열정적으로 싸우는 것 외에도 Pontius는 좋은 음식과 음료에 대한 동등한 사랑을 가지고 있으며 언젠가는 거대한 감자를 재배하면서 세상의 한 구석을 보호할 수 있는 단순한 농장에 정착하는 것을 꿈꿉니다. 그리고 호박. 그리고 파이를 먹습니다.

영리하고 이해하기 힘든 Zoya는 항상 까다로운 상황을 들락날락합니다. 그녀는 활과 화살을 가지고 싸우지만 다양한 도둑... 상황에서 유용할 수 있는 갈고리도 가지고 있습니다. Zoya는 Trine과 함께 했던 모든 모험을 감사하게 생각합니다. 가는 길에 장신구를 모두 모았기 때문입니다. Trine을 찾는 일은 희귀하고 귀중한 물품을 조달하는 그녀의 옛 삶만큼 스릴이 없습니다.

온라인 및 로컬 협동
최대 3명의 플레이어가 온라인 및 로컬 협동 플레이를 할 수 있습니다. 모든 혼합이 가능하며(예: 로컬 2개, 온라인 1개) 싱글 플레이에서 멀티 플레이로 또는 그 반대로 전환할 수 있습니다. Steam 친구와 함께 플레이하고 함께 비밀을 탐험하세요!

잃어버린 페이지
기술에 대한 궁극적인 테스트인 Lost Pages는 가장 놀라운 장치, 캐릭터 중심의 디자인 및 우스꽝스러운 퍼즐을 특징으로 합니다. 당신은 잃어버린 페이지를 모두 잠금 해제할 만큼 충분히 숙련되어 있습니까?

사운드 트랙
수상 경력에 빛나는 작곡가 Ari Pulkkinen이 놀라운 판타지 사운드트랙으로 돌아왔습니다!

판타스틱 판타지
매혹적인 동화 세계에서 숨이 멎을 정도로 아름다운 풍경을 통해 모험을 하고 처음으로 완전한 3D 설정에서 Trine 세계를 탐험하여 과거에 그토록 매혹적이었던 구석구석을 모두 확인할 수 있습니다.

영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 스페인어, 러시아어, 일본어 및 브라질-포르투갈어에 대한 완전한 언어 지원
이 게임은 영어, 프랑스어, 독일어, 스페인어, 러시아어, 일본어 및 브라질-포르투갈어(음성 + 자막 켜기/끄기)에 대한 완전한 언어 지원과 자막에 대한 추가 언어 수를 제공합니다.




Experience a fairytale world of breathtaking sceneries and face a myriad of physics-based puzzles, wonderful contraptions, dangerous foes and enchanting creatures.

Trine 3: The Artifacts of Power is a platforming game of action, puzzles and adventure, and the sequel to the award winning Trine and Trine 2. Reunite with the familiar heroes - Pontius the Knight, Amadeus the Wizard and Zoya the Thief in an all-new adventure, now for the first time in full 3D!

Playable in single-player or in co-up with up to three players, both locally or online.

Amadeus the Wizard, Pontius the Knight, and Zoya the Thief have slowly come to the conclusion that having their lives commandeered by a powerful magical artifact is not a desirable state of existence on a permanent basis.

The heroes try to return their extraordinary gifts to the Artifact called Trine, and so they meddle with powers beyond their understanding: Trine shatters and a heartless ancient sorcerer escapes. With only a broken artifact to guide them, the heroes must try and repair the damage they've caused... or the damage that might yet be done.

A married wizard and father of triplets, Amadeus can summon mystical boxes and move obstacles with his spells. Perhaps he is not the most skilled or fearsome of wizards, but the heroes rely on Amadeus on all things concerning magic and legends. Amadeus has always liked adventures more in theory rather than in practice, preferring the fame and tales of his deeds to the actual doing of said deeds, which often deprive him of naps and holidays with his family.

The brave protector of the realm with a big heart, Pontius is a champion to anyone in need, regardless of their station. Pontius was knighted by the King himself, and he has a red cape to prove it! He is a frontline hero who is always going headlong first into battle with his trusty shield and sword. In addition to passionately fighting on the side of Goodness and Justice, Pontius has an equal love for good food and drink, and dreams of one day settling down on a simple farm, where he could protect his corner of the world, while growing enormous potatoes and pumpkins. And eat pie.

Clever and elusive, Zoya gets in and out of tricky situations all the time. She brings her bow and arrows to a fight, but she also has a grappling hook that can be useful in various thiev... situations. Zoya appreciates all the adventures she has had with with Trine, due to all the trinkets she's been able to collect on the way, but she is becoming anxious to get back on her own. Being on call for Trine is nowhere near as thrilling as her old life as a purveyor of rare and precious items.

Online and Local Co-op

Up to three players can play online and local co-up. Any mix is possible (for example 2 local, 1 online) and you can switch from singleplayer to multiplayer and vice versa. Play with your Steam friends and explore the secrets together!

The Lost Pages

The ultimate test to your skills, the Lost Pages feature the most incredible contraptions, character-driven design, and ridiculous puzzles. Are you skilled enough to unlock all the Lost Pages?


Award-winning composer Ari Pulkkinen returns for an amazing fantasy soundtrack!

Fantastic Fantasy

Adventure through breathtakingly beautiful landscapes in an enchanting fairytale world, and for the first time ever explore the Trine world in a full 3D setting, allowing you to go check out all the nooks and crannies that have been so alluring in the past.

Full Language Support for English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and Brazilian-Portuguese

The game features full language support for English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Japanese, and Brazilian-Portuguese (voice + subtitles on/off), and an additional number of languages for subtitles.






사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

일단 게임 자체는 괜찮은 편이다. 아마데우스, 폰티우스, 조야 삼인방의 개성은 여전하고 전작에서 보여줬던 특성 역시 제대로 유지되어 있다. 전작들을 플레이했다면 이번 트라인3에 적응하는 것도 별로 어렵지 않을 것이다. 3D로 구현된 게임의 배경 역시 훌륭하며, 음악도 여전히 수준급이다. 체감 난이도도 전작보다 살짝 쉬워진 감이 있다. 총 8개의 메인 챕터와 그 밖에 하나의 캐릭터만 조종하는 여러 개의 서브 챕터들로 구성되어 있다. 챕터의 숫자가 전작에 비해 줄었지만, 대신 하나의 챕터가 꽤 긴 편이다.




사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

3인칭 퍼즐 액션 게임.
전작에 비해 더 좋아진 그래픽과 앞뒤가 아닌 4방향으로 움직일 수 있게 시스템이 더욱 업그레이드된 버전이다.
는 개뿔.. 뭐 스토리는 여전히 나쁘지 않지만, 팬심으로 한 게임. (참고로 완결이 아니다! DLC언제 나오지..)
전작과 다르게, 기사의 활용도가 더욱 높아졌지만.. 스킬포인트나 스킬 찍는 재미도 사라지고, 숨겨진 요소도 많이 사라지고, 다양한 사물을 활용하는 창의적인 방법들이 다소 낮아진 느낌의 3탄!











기능체험하기, 환불[Refund]:

스팀에서 2시간 안되서 실행하고 환불하면 환불이 됩니다, 기능이 궁금하시면 구매하시고

2시안에 실행해보시고 아니다 싶으면 바로 환불 하시면 됩니다.(2시간 넘으시면 아니됩니다..)

환불: https://godpsj.tistory.com/24






#PV, 트레일러(Trailer), 소개[Video Link]

- https://youtu.be/8rW5j5qjOv8


- https://youtu.be/K6zpydngbrU


- https://youtu.be/aKK13tJ9O-8


- https://youtu.be/5001mTlydHU



소개,리뷰,정보링크(Introduce, Review, Info Link): 

- https://namu.wiki/w/%ED%8A%B8%EB%9D%BC%EC%9D%B8%20%EC%8B%9C%EB%A6%AC%EC%A6%88 //나무위키


- https://bbs.ruliweb.com/game/85229 //루리웹 트라인3 게시판


- https://steamcommunity.com/id/kutark/recommended/319910/ //스팀리뷰


- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198120047145/recommended/319910/ //스팀리뷰


- https://youtu.be/uEnsYhBJ4Xo //PV


- https://youtu.be/e7B9yVIBfRA //Play


- https://youtu.be/O3rbbFzrF0E //Play







할인정보관련[Platform Sale Info]:

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/527 //각각 플랫폼 할인 관련










