
파이트앤 레이지, Fight'N Rage 소개(Introduce),리뷰(Review),할인(Sale) 관련

AlrepondGame 2020. 11. 16. 22:11










- https://store.steampowered.com/app/674520/



- Windows


할인율, 할인했던 금액(Sale Record): 

- 본편 40% (12,600원 최저가) 


한글패치, 기타패치 등등(패치유무, Patch):



* 게임 플레이 필요정보 모음 관련 [Essentials]*

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1175 //정보모음


//할인율은 제작사 사정에 따라 다릅니다. 스팀세일(여름,겨울,기타)또는 제작사에서 상시로 할인할 때를 노리세요!!






Fight'N Rage는 완전히 새로운 구식 횡스크롤 게임입니다. "황금 시대"의 고전에서 영감을 받고 90년대 아케이드 보석의 미학을 모방한 아트 스타일로, 이 게임은 이 장르를 당대 최고 중 하나로 만든 모든 고전 게임 플레이 기능에 경의를 표합니다!


장르: 클래식 2D 사이드 스크롤러 비트업/브롤러.
플레이어 수: 1명에서 최대 3명의 로컬 협동 플레이.
사용 가능한 언어: 영어 및 스페인어.


많은 조합: 선택한 캐릭터와 자신의 결정에 따라 변경될 수 있는 대체 경로, 컷신 및 엔딩!
빠르고 강렬한 단일 세션 게임 플레이: 아케이드 모드에서 가능한 각 경로는 1시간 이내에 완료할 수 있습니다! (적어도 마스터했다면.)
폭발적인 콤보 시스템: 캐릭터는 적을 산산조각낼 수 있는 여러 가지 능숙한 저글링 기반 콤보를 수행할 수 있습니다!
단순화된 컨트롤: 세 개의 버튼(공격, 점프 및 특수 공격)만 사용하여 놀라운 콤보를 수행하기 위해 많은 움직임을 결합할 수 있습니다!
플레이하기 쉽고 마스터하기 어렵습니다: 난이도는 잘못된 컨트롤이나 불공정한 규칙에 관한 것이 아니라... 캐릭터의 움직임을 마스터하고 강력한 적들을 처리하는 것입니다!
로컬 협동 모드: 최대 3명의 플레이어가 선택적으로 아군 사격을 할 수 있습니다(훨씬 더 어렵습니다!).
사용자 정의 디스플레이 모드: 디스플레이 설정에는 선택적 CRT 느낌, 스캔라인 및 다양한 색상 스타일 등이 포함됩니다!
다양한 잠금 해제 가능: 점수로 게임 내 코인을 얻고 캐릭터 의상, 추가 난이도 설정, 더 빨라진 게임 플레이 속도, 새로운 게임 모드, 이 모드에서 사용할 새로운 캐릭터 등과 같은 추가 콘텐츠를 얻으십시오!
적으로 플레이: 추가 모드에서 플레이할 수 있는 20개 이상의 잠금 해제 가능한 캐릭터!
훈련 모드: 새로운 벨트를 획득하면서 많은 기술과 콤보를 연습할 수 있습니다! 당신은 블랙 벨트를 얻을만큼 좋은가요?
다른 무기: 각 주인공은 자신의 방식으로 무기를 처리합니다.
Speedrun Timer: 독점적인 게임 내 가제트가 현재 스테이지 시간과 최고의 스테이지 시간을 비교합니다! (물론 컷신 시간은 계산되지 않습니다. 손가락을 쉬게 하려면... 저를 믿으세요. 필요합니다.)
완전히 건너뛸 수 있는 컷신: (훨씬 더) 강렬한 게임 플레이를 제공하기 위해 모든 컷신을 건너뛰거나 빨리 감기할 수 있습니다.
공정한 점수 규칙: 플레이하는 동안 점수를 높이는 쉬운 방법은 없습니다... 점수는 기술과 직접 관련이 있습니다.
VS 모드: 다른 플레이어 또는 CPU와 일대일 전투를 하거나 단순히 CPU 대 CPU 전투를 시청하는 데 적합합니다.
패리 시스템: 패리 시스템을 사용하면 가장 위험한 상황에서도 이점을 얻을 수 있습니다!
실제 과제: 인내심을 보상하는 "경험치" 시스템이나 기타 RPG 요소가 아니라 게임을 얼마나 잘하는지가 중요합니다. 처음부터 모든 캐릭터의 전체 기술을 사용할 수 있으므로 플레이어로서의 자신의 기술 외에는 레벨업에 대해 걱정할 필요가 없습니다!
추가 미친 어려움: 프로게이머를 위한 거의 불가능한 추가 도전(모든 게임 콘텐츠의 잠금을 해제하는 데 필수 사항은 아님).
극도로 세련된 게임 플레이: 플레이 가능성은 완전히 반응하는 컨트롤과 직관적인 명령에 중점을 둡니다. 캐릭터는 일반 공격을 특수 공격으로 취소하고 적의 손아귀에서 벗어나 여러 연쇄 이동을 수행할 수 있습니다. 당신의 행동에 완벽하게 반응하는 캐릭터를 조종하는 힘을 느낄 것입니다!
머나먼 미래에 지구는 지구상의 모든 전자 기술을 종식시킨 세계적 규모의 전자기 펄스인 "빅 펄스"로 알려진 전 세계적인 재앙 이후 제어권을 장악한 돌연변이에 의해 황폐화되었습니다. 인간은 이제 "정글의 법칙"이 지배하는 세계에서 "보스"가 이끄는 돌연변이의 노예가 되었습니다.
그러나 모든 것을 잃은 것은 아닙니다... 두 인간과 돌연변이 반군은 이 광기를 멈추기 위해 기꺼이 싸울 준비가 되어 있습니다. 그들은 충분히 강할까요? 음... 그건 당신에게 달렸습니다!
주요 등장인물
Gal: 인간의 상인을 탈출 한 소녀입니다. 그녀는 자신의 킥복싱에서 파생된 무술의 전문가입니다. 공격 범위가 길지는 않지만 속도와 민첩성은 따라올 수 없으며 기술과 지구력도 꽤 좋습니다. 그녀는 거의 모든 공격을 피할 수 있으며 여러 적과 대면할 때 유용합니다.

리카르도: 미노타우로스 인권 운동가이자 강력한 레슬링 선수입니다. 빠르지도 않고, 기술도 동료들에 못지않게 '그렇지만, 꽤 긴 리치를 가지고 있고, 그의 힘과 지구력은 놀랍다. 그는 기록적인 시간에 어떤 적을 파괴할 수 있습니다!

F. 노리스: 과거가 미스터리인 가출 닌자. 그는 "금단의 기술"로 알려진 인술을 마스터한 사람입니다. 그는 Gal이나 Ricardo에 비해 매우 연약할 수 있지만, 그는 도달 범위, 파워 및 속도의 훌륭한 조합과 (숙련되면) 모든 상황을 제어할 수 있는 놀라운 기술을 가지고 있습니다.
모든 게임(그래픽, 디자인 및 프로그래밍)은 Sebastián García가 제작했으며 전체 OST(40개 이상의 멋진 트랙으로 구성됨)




Fight’N Rage is a brand new old-school side-scroller beat’em up. Inspired by the classics from the “golden age”, and with an art style that mimics the aesthetic from the 90's arcade gems, this game pays homage to all classic gameplay features that makes this genre one of the best from its time!


Genre: Classic 2D side-scroller beat’em up / brawler.
Number of players: From one up to three players local co-op.
Available languages: English and Spanish.


  • A lot of Combinations: Alternative paths, cutscenes and endings that can change based on the selected characters and your own decisions!
  • Fast and intense single-session gameplay: Each possible route in the arcade mode can be finished in less than one hour! (at least if you have mastered it.)
  • Explosive Combo System: Characters are capable of performing several skillful juggle-based combos that can make your enemies blow up into pieces!
  • Simplified Controls: Using only three buttons (attack, jump and special attack), you will be able to combine lots of movements in order to perform amazing combos!
  • Easy to Play, Hard to Master: Difficulty is not about bad controls or unfair rules… it is about mastering your character’s moves and dealing with tough enemies!
  • Local co-op mode: Up to 3 players with optional friendly fire (which is even more challenging!).
  • Custom Display Modes: Display settings includes optional CRT feels, scanlines and various color styles and more!
  • Lots of Unlockables: Earn in-game coins with your scores and get extra content like character’s costumes, extra difficulty settings, more gameplay speeds, new game modes, new characters to use on these modes and much more!
  • Play as Enemies: More than 20 unlockable characters to play in the extra modes!
  • Training Mode: You can practice a lot of techniques and combos while earning new belts! Are you good enough to get the Black Belt?
  • Different Weapons: Each protagonist handles them in their own way.
  • Speedrun Timer: An exclusive in-game gadget compares current stage times against your best ones! (Of course, the cutscene time does not count, in order to let your fingers take a break… believe me, you will need that.)
  • Fully Skippable Cutscenes: All cutscenes can be skipped or fast-forwarded in order to provide an (even more) intense gameplay.
  • Fair Score Rules: There’s no easy way to increment your score while playing… the score is directly related to your skills.
  • VS Mode: Perfect to play one vs one battles against another player or the CPU, or simply watch CPU vs CPU battles.
  • Parry System: A parry system lets you take the advantage even in the most dangerous situations!
  • Real challenges: It is all about how good you are at the game, not about an “exp” system or other RPG elements that reward your patience. The full moveset of every character is available from the start, so, you do not have to worry about leveling-up anything except your own skills as player!
  • Additional Insane Difficulties: Near impossible extra challenges for pro-gamers (which are not mandatory to unlock all game content).
  • Extremely Polished Gameplay: The playability is focused on fully responsive controls and intuitive commands. The characters can cancel normal attacks into special attacks, release themselves from enemy grabs and perform several chain movements. You will feel the power of controlling a character that perfectly responds to your actions!


In a far future, Earth was devastated by mutants who took control after a worldwide catastrophic event known as “the big pulse”, a global scale electromagnetic pulse that put an end to all electronic technology on the planet. Humans are now enslaved by mutants led by “The Boss” in a world ruled by “the law of the jungle”.
However, not everything is lost… two humans and a mutant rebel are willing to fight in order to stop this madness. Will they be strong enough? Well... that's up to you!

Main Characters

Gal: A girl who escaped from traders of humans. She’s an expert in her own kick-boxing-derived martial art. While her attacks don’t have a long reach, her speed and agility have no equal and her technique and endurance are pretty good too. She is capable of avoiding almost every attack, an ability that comes in handy when facing multiple foes.

Ricardo: A minotaur human-rights activist and a powerful wrestler. He’s not very fast and his technique isn’t as good as his comrades’, but he has a pretty long reach, and his power and endurance are amazing. He’s capable of destroying any enemy in record time!

F. Norris: A runaway ninja whose past is a mystery. He’s the one who mastered the ninjutsu style known as “the forbidden technique”. While he might be pretty fragile compared to Gal or Ricardo, he has a great combination of reach, power and speed, plus an amazing technique that (when mastered) can take control of any situation.


All the game (graphics, design and programing) was created by Sebastián García, while the full OST (composed of more than 40 great tracks!) was created by Gonzalo Varela.





사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

다른 말이 필요한가요?
어떤 메이저급 게임 회사들 보다도
괜찮게 잘 만든 게임이라고 봅니다.
타격감 좋고 콤보 재미있고 캐릭터들 귀엽고 좋고
얄미운 적들이 몇 있지만 이도 없으면 게임이 너무 쉽습니다.
횡스크롤 팬이라면 꼭 해봐야할 게임



사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

제가 90년대 초중반 오락실을 집처럼 들락날락거리던 세대라 그런지 비뎀업/벨트스크롤 액션게임 장르를 특히나 좋아하는데 이 "Fight'N Rage"는 정말 오랜만에 보는, 그래서 더욱 반가운 액션 게임입니다.



사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

잠깐했는데도 졷나 재미있다 씨발 수년간 스팀에서 재미있는게임 찾을려고 헛돈썻는데
왠만한 캡콤 횡스크롤게임보다 재미있다 아직은 그게임들만큼 익숙지 않아서 게임이 어떤지 평가하긴 이르지만
확실한건 평가하려고 분석하려고 게임하는게 아니라면 만족스럽다 적어도 수년간 스팀에서 삿던 게임들보다 6천300원
짜리 이게임이 더재미있다는거다 오락실에서 게임해봤던 사람이면 쥐새끼가 나오는 게임이라 손이 안가서 안사는거 안다
나도 예전부터 이게임 볼때마다 쥐새끼가 나와서 안삿는데 오늘 할게임 없어서 삿는데 졷니 재미있네 ? 시발











기능체험하기, 환불[Refund]:

스팀에서 2시간 안되서 실행하고 환불하면 환불이 됩니다, 기능이 궁금하시면 구매하시고

2시안에 실행해보시고 아니다 싶으면 바로 환불 하시면 됩니다.(2시간 넘으시면 아니됩니다..)

환불: https://godpsj.tistory.com/24





#PV, 트레일러(Trailer), 소개[Video Link]

- https://youtu.be/P2ujLI3FgQY


- https://youtu.be/C3UdqAJleFI


- https://youtu.be/ESqQ6y85qGk


- https://youtu.be/yYwuYwYL09I



소개,리뷰,정보링크(Introduce, Review, Info Link): 

- namu.wiki/w/Fight'N%20Rage //나무위키


- steamcommunity.com/id/badguy0724/recommended/674520/ //스팀리뷰


- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197978477888/recommended/674520/ //스팀리뷰


- https://steamcommunity.com/id/HentaiUncle/recommended/674520/ //스팀리뷰


- youtu.be/P2ujLI3FgQY //PV


- youtu.be/1xTiM9vc_O8 //REVIEW






할인정보관련[Platform Sale Info]:

- godpsj.tistory.com/527 //각각 플랫폼 할인 관련






