
아크: 서바이벌 이볼브드, ARK: Survival Evolved 소개(Introduce),리뷰(Review),할인(Sale) 관련

AlrepondGame 2022. 4. 3. 22:47











- https://store.steampowered.com/app/346110/



- Windows, Mac, SteamOS+Linux


할인율, 할인했던 금액(Sale Record): 

- 본편 67% (10,230원 최저가)

- Ultimate Survivor Edition 47% (49,680원 최저가)


한글패치, 기타패치 등등(패치유무, Patch):

- 한글자체지원

* 무료 게임, Free Games, 무료 플레이 게임 관련

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1978 //정보링크


* 게임 플레이 필요정보 모음 관련(기기,번역,시리즈,eSports,성능저하,오류) [Essentials]

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/1175 //정보모음


//할인율은 제작사 사정에 따라 다릅니다. 세일기간(여름,겨울,기타)또는 제작사에서 상시로 할인할 때를 노리세요!!





ARK라는 신비한 섬의 해안에서 알몸으로 꽁꽁 얼어붙은 굶주린 채로 좌초된 남자 또는 여자로서, 당신은 사냥, 자원 수확, 아이템 제작, 작물 재배, 기술 연구, 환경을 견딜 수 있는 피난처를 건설해야 합니다. 당신의 교활함과 자원을 사용하여 리바이어던 공룡과 땅을 배회하는 다른 원시 생물을 죽이거나 길들이고 번식시키고 수백 명의 다른 플레이어와 팀을 이루어 생존하고 지배하고 탈출하십시오!

공룡, 생물 및 번식! -- 100개 이상의 생물은 까다로운 포획 및 친화 프로세스를 사용하여 길들일 수 있습니다. 여기에는 야생 생물을 약화시켜 의식을 잃게 만든 다음 적절한 음식으로 다시 건강을 회복시키는 과정이 포함됩니다. 길들인 후에는 길들인 사람에게 명령을 내릴 수 있으며, 이는 당신이 얼마나 잘 길들이고 훈련했는지에 따라 따를 수 있습니다. 계속해서 레벨업을 하고 음식을 먹을 수 있는 길들이는 갑옷과 같은 인벤토리와 장비를 운반할 수 있고, 그들의 힘에 따라 먹이를 정착지로 다시 운반할 수 있으며, 더 큰 길들이는 것을 타고 직접 제어할 수 있습니다! 익룡을 타고 눈 덮인 산 위로 날아오르고, 아군을 적벽 위로 들어올리고, 랩터 무리와 함께 정글을 질주하고, 거대한 브론토사우루스를 따라 적 기지를 뛰어다니거나, 성난 T-Rex의 등을 타고 먹이를 추적하세요! 고유한 포식자 및 먹이 계층이 있는 역동적인 생태계 수명 주기에 참여하십시오. 여기에서 당신은 지배와 생존을 위해 고군분투하는 많은 종 중 하나의 생물일 뿐입니다. Tames는 또한 재조합 유전 상속에 기반한 형질 시스템을 사용하여 연속적인 세대를 선택적으로 번식시키기 위해 이성과 교배할 수 있습니다. 이 과정에는 난자 기반 부화와 포유류의 임신 주기가 모두 포함됩니다! 또는 더 간단히 말해서, 아기를 키우십시오!

인육을 포함하여 다양한 영양 특성을 지닌 다양한 종류의 식물과 고기를 먹고 살기 위해서는 먹고 마셔야 합니다. 가정과 재고에 신선한 물을 공급하는 것은 시급한 문제입니다. 모든 신체 활동에는 음식과 물이 필요하며 장거리 여행에는 생존의 위험이 따릅니다! 인벤토리 무게는 당신을 더 느리게 움직이게 하고, 무작위적인 날씨 패턴과 함께 낮/밤 주기는 환경의 온도를 변화시켜 당신을 더 빨리 배고프거나 목마르게 함으로써 도전의 또 다른 층을 추가합니다. 동적 실내/실외 단열 계산 시스템을 사용하여 위치 손상 및 극한 온도로부터 자신을 보호하기 위해 화재 또는 대피소를 건설하고 다양한 맞춤형 의류 및 갑옷을 제작하십시오!
나무로 가득한 숲을 베어내고 금속 및 기타 귀중한 자원을 채굴하여 램프, 빔, 기둥, 창문, 문, 게이트, 원격 게이트를 비롯한 복잡한 스냅 연결 부품으로 구성된 거대한 다층 구조를 구축하기 위한 부품을 제작할 수 있습니다. , 트랩도어, 수도관, 수도꼭지, 발전기, 전선 및 모든 종류의 전기 장치 및 사다리. 구조물에는 충분한 지지대가 파괴되면 무너지는 하중 시스템이 있으므로 건물을 보강하는 것이 중요합니다. 모든 구조와 항목을 페인트하여 집의 모양을 사용자 지정할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 픽셀별로 페인트할 수 있는 표지판, 텍스트 광고판 및 기타 장식 개체를 동적으로 배치할 수 있습니다. 대피소는 극한의 날씨를 줄이고 자신과 보관함에 보안을 제공합니다! 무기, 의복 및 방어구도 색칠하여 자신만의 비주얼 스타일을 표현할 수 있습니다.

주변의 야생 초목에서 씨앗을 따서 눕힌 땅에 심고 물을 주고 비료로 키웁니다(칼로리를 소모한 후에는 모두 똥을 흘려 퇴비로 만들 수 있으며 일부 비료는 다른 것보다 낫습니다). 농작물을 가꾸면 맛있고 희귀한 과일을 생산할 수 있습니다. 이 과일은 많은 논리적 조리법을 요리하고 유용한 강장제를 만드는 데에도 사용할 수 있습니다! 가장 강력한 특성을 지닌 가장 희귀한 식물 씨앗을 찾기 위해 탐험하세요! 채식주의자와 완전 채식주의자가 번성할 수 있으며 비폭력 방식으로 ARK를 마스터하고 정복하는 것이 가능합니다!

특별한 소환 위치에 충분한 희귀 희생 아이템을 가져오면 전투를 위해 도착할 ARK의 신과 같은 신화 생물 중 하나의 관심을 끌 수 있습니다. 이 거대한 괴물들은 가장 경험이 많은 플레이어 그룹과 길들인 군대에게 최종 게임 목표를 제공하며, 그들이 패배할 경우 매우 귀중한 진행 아이템을 얻을 것입니다.

부족을 만들고 거기에 친구를 추가하면 모든 길들인 사람이 부족의 누구에게나 명령을 받고 동맹을 맺을 수 있습니다. 당신의 부족은 또한 당신의 홈 스폰 지점에서 리스폰될 것입니다. 관리 부담을 줄이기 위해 구성원을 부족 관리자로 승격합니다. 공유 마을에 액세스할 수 있도록 주요 항목과 암호를 배포하세요!

모든 항목은 다양한 통계 및 품질을 갖고 해당 리소스가 필요한 청사진으로 제작됩니다. ARK 전역의 더 외지고 가혹한 로케일은 가장 높은 산, 가장 어두운 동굴 및 깊은 바다를 포함하여 더 나은 자원을 갖는 경향이 있습니다! 플레이 레벨 업




As a man or woman stranded naked, freezing and starving on the shores of a mysterious island called ARK, you must hunt, harvest resources, craft items, grow crops, research technologies, and build shelters to withstand the elements. Use your cunning and resources to kill or tame & breed the leviathan dinosaurs and other primeval creatures roaming the land, and team up with or prey on hundreds of other players to survive, dominate... and escape!

Dinosaurs, Creatures, & Breeding! -- over 100+ creatures can be tamed using a challenging capture-&-affinity process, involving weakening a feral creature to knock it unconscious, and then nursing it back to health with appropriate food. Once tamed, you can issue commands to your tames, which it may follow depending on how well you’ve tamed and trained it. Tames, which can continue to level-up and consume food, can also carry Inventory and Equipment such as Armor, carry prey back to your settlement depending on their strength, and larger tames can be ridden and directly controlled! Fly a Pterodactyl over the snow-capped mountains, lift allies over enemy walls, race through the jungle with a pack of Raptors, tromp through an enemy base along a gigantic brontosaurus, or chase down prey on the back of a raging T-Rex! Take part in a dynamic ecosystem life-cycle with its own predator & prey hierarchies, where you are just one creature among many species struggling for dominance and survival. Tames can also be mated with the opposite gender, to selectively breed successive generations using a trait system based on recombinant genetic inheritance. This process includes both egg-based incubation and mammalian gestation lifecycles! Or put more simply, raise babies!

You must eat and drink to survive, with different kinds of plants & meat having different nutritional properties, including human meat. Ensuring a supply of fresh water to your home and inventory is a pressing concern. All physical actions come at a cost of food and water, long-distance travel is fraught with subsistence peril! Inventory weight makes you move slower, and the day/night cycle along with randomized weather patterns add another layer of challenge by altering the temperature of the environment, causing you to hunger or thirst more quickly. Build a fire or shelter, and craft a large variety of customizable clothing & armors, to help protect yourself against locational damage & extreme temperatures using the dynamic indoor/outdoor insulation calculation system!
By chopping down forests full of trees and mining metal and other precious resources, you can craft the parts to build massive multi-leveled structures composed of complex snap-linked parts, including ramps, beams, pillars, windows, doors, gates, remote gates, trapdoors, water pipes, faucets, generators, wires and all manner of electrical devices, and ladders among many other types. Structures have a load system to fall apart if enough support has been destroyed, so reinforcing your buildings is important. All structures and items can be painted to customize the look of your home, as well as placing dynamically per-pixel paintable signs, textual billboards, and other decorative objects. Shelter reduces the extremes of weather and provides security for yourself and your stash! Weapons, clothing & armor gear can also be painted to express your own visual style.

Pick seeds from the wild vegetation around you, plant them in plots that you lay down, water them and nurture them with fertilizer (everything poops after consuming calories, which can then be composted, and some fertilizer is better than others). Tend to your crops and they will grow to produce delicious and rare fruits, which can also be used to cook a plethora of logical recipes and make useful tonics! Explore to find the rarest of plant seeds that have the most powerful properties! Vegetarians & vegans can flourish, and it will be possible to master and conquer the ARK in a non-violent manner!

By bringing sufficient rare sacrificial items to special Summon locations, you can capture the attention of the one of the ARK’s god-like mythical creatures, who will arrive for battle. These gargantuan monstrosities provide an end-game goal for the most experienced groups of players and their armies of tames, and will yield extremely valuable progression items if they are defeated.

Create a Tribe and add your friends to it, and all your tames can be commanded by and allied to anyone in your Tribe. Your Tribe will also be able to respawn at any of your home spawn points. Promote members to Tribe Admins to reduce the burden of management. Distribute key items and pass-codes to provide access your shared village!

All items are crafted from Blueprints that have variable statistics and qualities, and require corresponding resources. More remote and harsh locales across the ARK tend to have better resources, including the tallest mountains, darkest caves, and depths of the ocean! Level-Up your player character by gaining experience through performance actions, Level-Up your tames, and learn new "Engrams" to be able to craft Items from memory without the use of blueprints, even if you die! Customize the underlying physical look of your character with hair, eye, and skin tones, along with an array of body proportion modifiers. As you explore the vast ARK, you'll find clues left by other Survivors who have made the ARK their home in ages past, in the form of collectible detailed 3D "Explorer Notes". By uncovering all of these, you can begin to piece together the true nature of the ARK, and discover its purpose!

Everything you craft has durability and will wear-out from extended use if not repaired, and when you leave the game, your character remains sleeping in the persistent world. Your inventory physically exists in boxes or on your character in the world. Everything can be looted & stolen, so to achieve security you must build-up, team-up, or have tames to guard your stash. Death is permanent, and you can even knock out, capture, and force-feed other players to use them for your own purposes, such as extracting their blood to for transfusions, harvesting their fecal matter to use as fertilizer, or using them as food for your carnivorous tames!

The mysterious ARK is a formidable and imposing environment, composed of many natural and unnatural structures, above-ground, below-ground, and underwater. By fully exploring its secrets, you’ll find the most exotic procedurally randomized creatures and rare blueprints. Also to be found are Explorer Notes that are dynamically updated into the game, written by previous human denizens of the ARK from across the millennia, creatively detailing the creatures and backstory of the ARK and its creatures. Fully develop your in-game ARK-map through exploration, write custom points of interest onto it, and craft a Compass or GPS coordinates to aid exploring with other players, whom you can communicate with via proximity text & voice chat, or long-distance radio. Construct & draw in-game signs for other players to help them or lead them astray... And yet.. how do you ultimately challenge the Creators and Conquer the ARK? A definitive end-game is planned.

On the 100+ player servers, your character, everything you built, and your tames, stay in-game even when you leave. You can even physically travel your character and items between the network of ARK's by accessing the Obelisks and uploading (or downloading) your data from the Steam Economy! A galaxy of ARKs, each slightly different than the previous, to leave your mark on and conquer, one at a time -- special official ARKs will be unveiled on the World-map for limited times in singular themed events with corresponding limited-run items! Furthermore, you can now design or randomize your own unique 'Procedurally Generated ARKs', for infinite replayability and endless surprises.

You can play single-player local games, and bring your character and items between unofficial player-hosted servers, back and forth from singleplayer to multiplayer. Mod the game, with full Steam Workshop support and customized Unreal Engine 4 editor. See how we built our ARK using our maps and assets as an example. Host your own server and configure your ARK precisely to your liking. We want to see what you create!

The over-the-top hyper real imagery of the ARK its creatures is brought to expressive life using a highly-customized Unreal Engine 4, with fully dynamic lighting & global illumination, weather systems (rain, fog, snow, etc) & true-to-life volumetric cloud simulation, and the latest in advanced DirectX11 and DirectX12 rendering techniques. Music by award-winning composer of "Ori and the Blind Forest", Gareth Coker!





사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

여러 타 공룡게임을 찾아보고 해봤지만.. 이 게임만큼 해보고나서 흥분한적이 없었습니다 !
어느 공룡게임중에서도 으뜸인 모델링과 세세한 공룡들의 모션, 특성, 심지어 변을보는 모습까지..
무기 ,장비 ,아이템들만 짱짱이면 다 끝나던 게임들과 달리 아크 서바이벌 이볼브드는 지극히 공룡 위주입니다.
작은 공룡부터 큰 공룡까지 육지부터 바다까지
하나의 테크트리처럼 길들이고 써먹지않으면 지체되어버리는 문명을 느끼게 될것이며,

공룡 하나 하나 이들의 이점과 강점, 특성을 알게되면서 발전해가며 재미를 더해가는 특별한 공룡게임입니다.
그렇다고 아이템이나 장비들의 설 자리가 없다는게 아닙니다 이들또한 길들이고 키우기위해 장비또한 필요하니까요.
물론 게임이라 과장 , 또는 조금 깎아 내리겠지만 공룡에대해서 모르시던 분들도
공부 해 가며 재밌게 플레이 하실 수 있을꺼라고 생각합니다.
부족개념의 시스템 또한 존재하니 친구와 함께라면 이 만큼 재밌는 게임은 더 없지요.
다만 처음시작할시 튜토리얼, 설명등이 따로 없기 때문에 방황하고 죽기를 반복하다가 재미를 버리는 분들이 많이 보이시더군요.

생존 게임에 RPG개념을 도입해 레벨이 오를수록 나만의 스텟을 찍고
그 레벨에 해당하는 기술들로 장비와 아이템을 만들어 살아가는 시스템인지라
처음엔 무엇을 할 수 있는게 굉장히 극단적이기때문에 설명없이는 힘들죠.. 저렙들이 고렙장비를끼고 판을치는 문제를 보완할 수 있기 때문에 참 좋은 시스템이기도 합니다.

하지만 예전과 다르게 약간의 노력만 있으면 카페, 공략집들이 너무나 자세히 나와있고, 한국 유저들 또한 많아지고 있기때문에 큰 문제가 되진 않습니다.
이러한 진입장벽 문제만 해치고 나가신다면 언제부터인가 수 많은 공룡 친구들과
다른 공룡(노예) 들을 찾으러 다니는 자신을 보시게 되실껍니다 !
긴 평가를 봐주시느라 감사합니다 ㅠㅠ.. 도움이되었으면 좋겠네요.




사이트리뷰[Review]: (소개부분에 링크)

이 게임은 일단 재밌습니다. 갓겜이에요.
100시간 한 저도 아직 컨텐츠 반 정도밖에 못즐겼습니다. 스텟을 조절하면서 하는데도 말이죠.
하지만 무턱대고 사고 플레이하지는 마세요.
뉴비에게 불친절항 게임입니다
준비를 철저히 하지 않으면 "이게 뭐하는 게임이냐", "똥겜이네"라는 소리가 나오기 좋은 게임입니다.

우선 친구들과 같이 즐기기가 어렵습니다.
게임내에서 지원하는 호스트 멀티는 버그투성이에 정말 많은 제약이 붙습니다.
물론 서버 하나를 찾아서 같이만나서 하면 상관은 없습니다만 친구들끼리만 즐기기는 힘듭니다.
본인이 서버하나 파는것도 좋습니다.
서버파는법은 네이버 카페를 찾아보세요.

두번째로 이 게임은 뉴비에게 불친절한 게임입니다.
튜토리얼이 없어요 이 게임
저는 공룡 길들일때 마취약먹이는 방법도 플탐10시간에 알았습니다.
휘파람 시스템도 네이버카페를 뒤지면서 알게 되었구요.
게임 설계자체가 플레이어가 약하게 되있는데 게임 팁설명이 안되있으니 이런 결과가 나타나는 듯 합니다.

가격은 6만원이면 부담스럽습니다.
물론 제값은 하지만 친구와 즐기기 좋은 게임인데 가격때문에 친구 꼬시기가 어렵습니다.
세일할때 친구꼬셔서 사세요.
저도 세일할때 샀구요. 반값세일 많이 하니까 그때사서하세요.

이 게임 DLC는 맵을 파는 형식입니다.
맵마다 환경요소와 나오는 공룡들의 차이가 있습니다.
DLC는 지금은 4가지가 있습니다.
1.스코치드 어스
2.더 센터

더센터와 라그나로크는 무료 dlc이고
스코치드 어스와 에버레이션은 유료입니다.
더센터와 라그나로크는 기본 맵인 디 아일랜드와 비슷한 환경을 구성하고있지만
스코치드 어스와 에버레이션은 그 두맵에서만 즐길 수 있는 컨텐츠가 있으니 아크를 더욱 즐기고 싶으시다면 사셔도 좋습니다.













기능체험하기, 환불[Refund]:

스팀에서 2시간 안되서 실행하고 환불하면 환불이 됩니다, 기능이 궁금하시면 구매하시고

2시안에 실행해보시고 아니다 싶으면 바로 환불 하시면 됩니다.(2시간 넘으시면 아니됩니다..)

환불: https://godpsj.tistory.com/24






#PV, 트레일러(Trailer), 소개[Video Link]

- https://youtu.be/FW9vsrPWujI


- https://youtu.be/E9Wb_zRnJek


- https://youtu.be/qxHlwELFkik


- https://youtu.be/ZfK4xNYW_28


- https://youtu.be/3OaYKhe_sqw



소개,리뷰,정보링크(Introduce, Review, Info Link): 

- https://namu.wiki/w/ARK:%20Survival%20Evolved //나무위키


- https://gall.dcinside.com/mgallery/board/lists/?id=ark //아크: 서바이벌 갤


- https://bbs.ruliweb.com/game/83514 //루리웹 아크: 서바이벌 게시판


- https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198004539866/recommended/346110/ //스팀리뷰


- https://steamcommunity.com/id/ingsae/recommended/346110/ //스팀리뷰


- https://youtu.be/FW9vsrPWujI //PV


- https://youtu.be/E9Wb_zRnJek //영상Review


- https://youtu.be/qxHlwELFkik //아크 소개리뷰


- https://youtu.be/ZfK4xNYW_28 //영상Play


- https://youtu.be/3OaYKhe_sqw //영상Play


- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3OaYKhe_sqw&list=PLWM79RXYyEaIEgQdD2-F8hyZqkLxiPaoB&index=1 //영상Play







할인정보관련[Platform Sale Info]:

- https://godpsj.tistory.com/527 //각각 플랫폼 할인 관련






